About Us

Demography and Health Research Centre


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About Us

The centre is known as 'Demography' and Health Research Centre” (DHRC) with Reg: No. 65/IV/22 dated 08th June, 2022. Registered office of the Centre for the time being at Kariavattom P. O., Pangappara Village , Thiruvananthapuram District.

The main objective of the Centre is to promote scientific research in the field of Population and Health and to translate the findings for the social development of the Society and Promoting better quality of life especially that of marginised groups. The benefits of the Centre will be open to all, irrespective of caste, creed, colour, religion etc.

The specific objectives are

  • To function as a catalyst for experts in disciplines like Demography, Actuarial science, Statistics, Epidemiology, Psychology and Social sciences so as to evolve strategies for the upliftment of the society.
  • To design and conduct surveys on behalf of various governmental and non governmental agencies.
  • To work with State and central Government to help in  identifying problems in population and public health, setting and realizing targets, and in the evaluation of the same.
  • To establish a learning resource centres for post graduate students and research scholars in demography, biostatistics, actuarial statistics, public health and social sciences.


  • Transforming Life through Excellence in Education and Research


  • To evolve strategies for the upliftment of the society.
  • To study social-economic and psychological problems of women and disseminate the same with a view to bring it to the attention of policy makers and political leadership so that lasting solutions are evolved. The main thrust here will be economic and social empowerment of the women.
  • To study the reproductive and child health issues for the benefit of mothers and children.
  • To study the geriatric population and geriatric centres at national and state level  and suggest various interventions for improving the quality of life of elderly.
  • To conduct short term courses/training programmes in Demography, Biostatistics, Statistics, Epidemiology and Research methodology, on behalf of various governmental and non - Governmental agencies.
  • To design and conduct epidemiological studies to access the health status of people so as to help planners and policy makers in formulating interventions to solve the issues.